Special Alpha Flag Issue 01 Package
The first issue is officially ready to go to print! The first issue collects the first two chapters (Alpha and Bravo) in a comic book with 24 story pages and extras comprising of: an incredibly vague preview of the upcoming chapter (Charlie the chapter!), Renee’s fantastic Bravo cover, and some simulated Foxtrot (that’s the notebook) pages that might or might not provide you some clues as to what’s happening in the story.
In order to celebrate, Renee and I are putting together a special package for those of you who want a little something extra. The package we’ve offering includes the following:
• 1 Copy of Alpha Flag Issue 01 (28 color pages)
• 1 Sketch of either The Diver or Charlie (your choice) by Jon
• 1 Small print drawn and colored by Renee (image TBD)
The package will cost $15.00 for people in the US and $20.00 for people outside the US. The price difference is for shipping, which is included.
I’ve got it set up so you can pay via this nifty PayPal button (which accepts PayPal or a credit/debit card). There wasn’t an address form, so I’ll email you via whatever payment email you use to get that (or if you’re feeling proactive, you can send it to/reach me at jon@alpha-flag.com). Apparently it automatically sends your address! I’ll still send confirmation emails, and email you if it doesn’t, though!
The printer we’re using is a little bogged down with San Diego Comic Con stuff, so it’ll be about a month or so before the books reach your door, but I promise you they will arrive.
If you want to order multiple issues or have any specific requests or anything, email me (jon@alpha-flag.com) and we can hash it out.
If you just want the issue, that’ll be going on sale at IndyPlanet in about a month. Don’t worry, though, I’ll let you know when it’s available there. It’ll ultimately be $6.00 plus shipping.
As always, Renee and I really appreciate your support. You guys have been great to us so far, so thanks!
Also, if you want the files in digital form, as always, they’re available in the store tab!
Discussion (4) ¬
This is great! :D Considering how huge a fan I am, I’m on this like a free hotdog! ♥
Seconded! Except it would have to be a tofudog.
I’ve got one free hotdog and one free tofudog here. *Holds ’em out*