Alpha Flag: The Only Thing I’m Really Afraid of is the Thought of Dying Here Alone and Forgotten
Now that Foxtrot and issue 3 have wrapped, Renee and I have something totally different and new for you for a couple months before we start running issue 4’s first chapter, Golf. It’s called…
The Only Thing I’m Really Afraid of is the Thought of Dying Here Alone and Forgotten
…and it’s both colored and drawn by Renee! Still written by me, though. It’s a little different than the main Alpha Flag story in tone and content, being more of a fairytale, but I have confidence that you guys will totally dig it.
I’m really excited that Renee asked to draw a story I wrote as her return to drawing comics after her hiatus because, as you will see over the coming weeks, she’s really great at comics.
Alone and Forgotten begins today with the lovely cover as seen above and will continue weekly.
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