Me, earlier today: “This page here was published in April 2013, seems I have some catching up to do.”
Me, now: “Oh.”
I’m trying to be funny, not a dick. Life keeps you busy. But…gosh darn it, I hate being in love with a cool comic strip that updates about as fast as limestone erodes. First Mare Internum, now this.
Anyway, my theory is that Diver is dead. I don’t think you wash up on shore wearing a heavy diver suit. I think you’re more prone to sink under those circumstances.
Charlie, you continue to test my concerns. If you’re a part of the set, you are going to have to reincorporate. Eventually. We’re not at that point yet, not by far, but I already don’t like the shape of this future challenge.
And I still think the humanoid aspects of the Diver’s self are modelled after past shipmates. Time will tell!
Incredible, a new page…
Had kinda given up on this otherwise intriguing comic, didn’t stop me from looking in now and again though, against all hope.
That said if the pace of updating stays in the geological time scale area, I don’t think it is worth it. It is a way too plot driven style to have to wait years for a single page, makes me wonder if those intruiging mysteries hou weaved will ever be resolved.
I am not trying to be nasty, you owe me nothing, but I suspect your reader base melts away like this. And that’s a pity, I like your work very much.
Kuggur, if the way Alpha Flag updates is too stressful or frustrating for you, I completely understand why you would put it down. I’ve spoken to many people who say they’ll ultimately wait for collected editions–and I don’t begrudge them that at all. It’s a frustrating comic (I know I’ve spent many a sleepness night fretting about viewership and the update schedule!), but the economic realities and pragmatic realities of collaboration make it work out this way.
I absolutely do not love asking the reader to make that kind of value judgment about whether to stick with it or not. But, I resolved way back that the one thing I do owe readers is finishing the story–the price of that being that it has to be at whatever pace Renee and I can mutually sustain. Until then, anyone who wants to share the frustration of the comic with us is more than welcome as a reader.
I appreciate your thoughts on it, and enthusiasm, though, very much.
Thanks for your reply. I reread my own post and think some of it sounds harsher than I actually meant.
I dabble a bit in drawing myself, nothing serious, but enough to realize the time and effort that goes into creating such art.
And as I said you don’ t own me anything, on the contrary, you provide free quality entertainment!
So yeah it was written out of the sentiment that I would really regret this project coming to a grinding halt ( it looked like it had), because I like it and want to know how it ends.
You say you are resolved to finish the story, that is good enough for me to check in now and again ( won’t stop me from hoping the pace picks up though ;) ).
Good luck with this project.
(will never be over how pretty this comic is)
He’s too cute to reincorporate.
Holy shit, an update! This is a good start of my day in cold springless siberia
Me, earlier today: “This page here was published in April 2013, seems I have some catching up to do.”
Me, now: “Oh.”
I’m trying to be funny, not a dick. Life keeps you busy. But…gosh darn it, I hate being in love with a cool comic strip that updates about as fast as limestone erodes. First Mare Internum, now this.
Anyway, my theory is that Diver is dead. I don’t think you wash up on shore wearing a heavy diver suit. I think you’re more prone to sink under those circumstances.
Or maybe Diver is the soul of a submarine.
Welcome to Alpha Flag, the slowest roller coaster of your life!
Yay, new page!
YESSSS another update!! The art on this page is so good TBH. :)
Ah; welcome back at last Cairns!
Charlie, you continue to test my concerns. If you’re a part of the set, you are going to have to reincorporate. Eventually. We’re not at that point yet, not by far, but I already don’t like the shape of this future challenge.
And I still think the humanoid aspects of the Diver’s self are modelled after past shipmates. Time will tell!
Hmm. It would appear my flag has changed. Interesting.
Incredible, a new page…
Had kinda given up on this otherwise intriguing comic, didn’t stop me from looking in now and again though, against all hope.
That said if the pace of updating stays in the geological time scale area, I don’t think it is worth it. It is a way too plot driven style to have to wait years for a single page, makes me wonder if those intruiging mysteries hou weaved will ever be resolved.
I am not trying to be nasty, you owe me nothing, but I suspect your reader base melts away like this. And that’s a pity, I like your work very much.
Kuggur, if the way Alpha Flag updates is too stressful or frustrating for you, I completely understand why you would put it down. I’ve spoken to many people who say they’ll ultimately wait for collected editions–and I don’t begrudge them that at all. It’s a frustrating comic (I know I’ve spent many a sleepness night fretting about viewership and the update schedule!), but the economic realities and pragmatic realities of collaboration make it work out this way.
I absolutely do not love asking the reader to make that kind of value judgment about whether to stick with it or not. But, I resolved way back that the one thing I do owe readers is finishing the story–the price of that being that it has to be at whatever pace Renee and I can mutually sustain. Until then, anyone who wants to share the frustration of the comic with us is more than welcome as a reader.
I appreciate your thoughts on it, and enthusiasm, though, very much.
Thanks for your reply. I reread my own post and think some of it sounds harsher than I actually meant.
I dabble a bit in drawing myself, nothing serious, but enough to realize the time and effort that goes into creating such art.
And as I said you don’ t own me anything, on the contrary, you provide free quality entertainment!
So yeah it was written out of the sentiment that I would really regret this project coming to a grinding halt ( it looked like it had), because I like it and want to know how it ends.
You say you are resolved to finish the story, that is good enough for me to check in now and again ( won’t stop me from hoping the pace picks up though ;) ).
Good luck with this project.