Exquisite fur.
Hey, there’s a bullet hole on that polar bear *u*
Good eye!
wooaah you’re right!!
Excuse me sir, you seem to be a yellow bear.
Very interesting so far, I shall be keeping my eye on this. (:
Now I got it: they’re all ghosts.
The bird and the bear are the same tone, clearly there connected, shape shifter?
Is the bear India? ‘Altering course’? Or Lima? ‘Quarantine”?
I am tempted to say India, on the grounds of that bullet hole.
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Exquisite fur.
Hey, there’s a bullet hole on that polar bear *u*
Good eye!
wooaah you’re right!!
Excuse me sir, you seem to be a yellow bear.
Very interesting so far, I shall be keeping my eye on this. (:
Now I got it: they’re all ghosts.
The bird and the bear are the same tone, clearly there connected, shape shifter?
Is the bear India? ‘Altering course’? Or Lima? ‘Quarantine”?
I am tempted to say India, on the grounds of that bullet hole.